The brain even though well protected in the skull can be effected by a wide variety of conditions some are listed above. These conditions can result from various diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, age related weakness producing arterial narrowing and blockage to reduce blood flow to the brain. Supply of nutrients is also reduced and buildup of toxins is increased and the brain tissue is damaged with resultant death. Other diseases causing chemical imbalances in the body can effect the nerves and damage the brain. These include Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and even trauma can cause poorly understood chemical changes in the brain to produce rather long lasting, often progressive deficits resulting from tissue damage and death.
These conditions and other cause functional impairment ranging from temporary deficits to progressive worsening effects that last an lifetime. Naked eye sees these as weakness in a limb or facial muscles, inability to talk, to involuntary movements/shakes or in extreme cases complete paralysis. Patients are unable to perform simplest chores of day to day living without any hope of improving, treating or curing the disease and or deficit. These changes also have economic, social and psychological ramifications effect not only the patient but the entire family.
Stem Cells offer hope where there is none. Stem Cells have the unique ability to differentiate into some 220 types of tissues found in the human body. Stem Cells administered intravenously are guided to damaged tissues by the chemicals released from them. Once Stem Cells reach the target tissue they multiply and differentiate into the specific damaged and destroyed tissues to rejuvenate and regrow them. Stem Cells also stimulate resident stem cell in these tissues themselves to differentiate and thereby intensify the repair to heal and restore function.